Submissions for Tradition and Discovery FAQs

Submissions for Tradition and Discovery FAQs

Does Tradition and Discovery charge article processing charges (APCs) or article submission fees?


How do I submit an article to Tradition and Discovery?

All materials should be submitted as a Microsoft Word file attached to an email message.

Articles submitted for possible publication should be sent to Colin Cordner, General Editor, at

Submissions should include keywords, abstracts, endnotes, and references. Articles should be no longer than 6,000 words inclusive. Longer articles will be considered but shorter ones are preferred.

Proposals for book reviews and completed reviews (normally 1000-1500 words in length) should be sent to Martin Turkis at

Submissions for articles and book reviews should include a 2-3 sentence biographical sketch that can be edited as needed for space.

What style should I follow?

We use Chicago’s parenthetical/reference style in which citations are given in the text as last name of author year, page number, e.g., (Mullins 2015, 23). Full bibliographical information should be supplied in the references section for all works cited, including Polanyi’s works, since we may draw from different editions of his writings.

One exception to citations is that Polanyi’s major works may be cited parenthetically using the following abbreviations (note that the abbreviations for the titles are to be italicized):

  • CF – The Contempt of Freedom
  • FEFT – Full Employment and Free Trade
  • KB – Knowing and Being
  • LL – The Logic of Liberty
  • M – Meaning
  • PK – Personal Knowledge
  • SEP – Society, Economics, and Philosophy
  • SFS – Science, Faith, and Society
  • SM – The Study of Man
  • STSR – Scientific Thought and Social Reality
  • TD – The Tacit Dimension

For example, “Polanyi argues that …. (TD, 56).”

Endnotes: Use Microsoft Word to format your endnotes.

Spelling: Since the journal serves English-speaking writers around the world, we do not require anyone’s “standard” English spelling and punctuation. We do, however, require all writers to be consistent.

Manuscripts that are not careful and consistent in style will be returned so that the author can make corrections, which will delay publication.

What are Tradition and Discovery’s publication ethics?

The Journal editors and Board have a zero-tolerance policy for research misconduct, including but not limited to plagiarism, citation manipulation, and data falsification/fabrication.

In the event that the journal’s publisher or editors are made aware of any allegation of research misconduct relating to a published article in the journal, the publisher or editor shall follow COPE’s guidelines (or equivalent) in dealing with allegations.

Are submissions peer reviewed?

Unsolicited articles will first be editorially reviewed, usually within a few weeks. If the submission is not appropriate for TAD or is not in good order, it will be returned without further review.

If a submission passes initial editorial review, submissions are sent to two readers for blind review. When those reviews are received, the editor contacts the author about possible publication and may provide suggestions for revision of the article. Although we would like to promise that the blind peer review process will be completed in a month or two, extenuating circumstances may extend the time for reviewing an essay.

Solicited materials (book reviews, review articles, interviews, etc.) will be editorially reviewed.

How long does it take for an article to be published?

This is not predictable for many reasons (such as place in the queue, time needed for peer review, and time needed for revisions). Any questions about the publication timeline should be directed to Martin Turkis (