Discussion List
Online Discussion Listserv and TAD E-Mail List
The Polanyi Society sponsors a Google (listserv) group where online announcements are posted and discussions occur. Anyone interested can subscribe and participate.
To be added to the listserv, please send an e-mail to a list administrator,
- Matt Sandwisch (msandwisch@gmail.com),
- Craig Wickstrom (cwickstrom@gmail.com), or
- James Clement van Pelt (james.vanpelt@aya.yale.edu)
asking to be added to the Polanyi Society Google Discussion Group. Since the listserv administrators often are busy, send your e-mail to any one of them but provide a copy to a second administrator.
The Polanyi Society also maintains a Tradition & Discovery mailing list. When new materials are posted in each year’s open TAD volume, a revised table of contents with links is mailed out to persons interested in TAD articles and reviews. To be added to the TAD mailing list, send a request to be added to Matt Sandwisch (msandwisch@gmail.com).
Email Address
Use the e-mail address that you wish to have on the list. Since the administrators often are busy, send your e-mail to any one of them but provide a copy to a second administrator.