The list below includes most book reviews (listed alphabetically by the name of the author or editor) that have been published in Tradition and Discovery. There are also a few software reviews and reviews of relevant articles published in other journals. Longer review articles on books (often followed by a longer response article from the book’s author) are listed with other regular TAD articles in the index of articles by author. Also omitted from the list that follows are reviews which appeared in newsletters and mini-journal editions before 12:1 (1984-85).
Abel, Chris. The Extended Self: Architecture, Memes, and Minds. Review by Andrew Grosso. 43:2 (2017): 62-64.
Adams, Doug. Eyes to See Wholeness: Visual Arts Informing Biblical and Theological Studies in Education and Worship Through the Church Year. Review by Martin Moleski. 23:2 (1996-97): 37-39.
Adams, Doug. Transcendence with the Human Body in Art: George Segal, Stephen DeStaebler, Jasper Johns, and Christo. Review by Martin Moleski. 23:2 (1996-97): 37-39.
Adams, Guy B., and Danny L. Balfour. Unmasking Administrative Evil, 4th ed. Review by Sheldon Richmond. 42:2 (2015-16): 67-70.
Agassi, Joseph. Science And Society. Review by John V. Apczynski and Michael Chiariello. 13:1 (1985-86): 4-19.
Allen, Barry. Vanishing into Things: Knowledge in Chinese Tradition. Review by Spencer Case. 43:1 (2017): 79-83.
Allen, R.T. (ed.). Michael Polanyi (Vor-)Denker des Liberalismus in 20. Jahrhundert. Review by Maben Poirer. 40:2 (2013-14): 55-57.
Allen, R.T. (ed. and introduction). Society, Economics and Philosophy: Selected Papers/Michael Polanyi. Review by Phil Mullins. 25:3 (1998-99): 33-36.
Allen, R.T. Thinkers of Our Time: Polanyi. Review by Andy F. Sanders. 20:2 (1993-94): 43-44.
Allen, R.T. Thinkers of Our Time: Polanyi. Review by N.E. Wetherick. 20:2 (1993-94): 45-46.
Allen, Richard. Transcendent and Immanence in the Philosophy of Michael Polanyi and Christian Theism. Review by Joan Crewdson. 21:2 (1994-95): 30-32.
Austin, Victor Lee. Up with Authority. Review by Trevor Anderson. 39: 2 (2012-13): 65-67.
Arnhart, Larry. Darwinian Natural Right: The Biological Ethics of Human Nature. Review by Ursula Goodenough. 28:3 (2001-2002):41-42.
Auxier, Randall E.and Lewis Edwin Hahn (eds.). The Philosophy of Marjorie Grene. Review by Robert Doede.31:1 (2004-05): 46-48.
Avis, Paul. God and the Creative Imagination: Metaphor, Symbol and Myth in Religion and Theology. Review by Barbara Baumgarten 31:3 (2004-05): 45-46.
Ayala, Francisco J. Darwin and Intelligent Design. Review by Paul Lewis.33:2 (2006-07): 68-69.
Bagger, Matthew (ed.). Pragmatism and Naturalism: Scientific and Social Inquiry After Representationalism. Review by Kyle Takaki. 46:3 (2020): 37-41.
Bailey, Edward I. Implicit Religion in Contemporary Society. Review by Paul Lewis. 25:2 (1998-99): 42-43.
Baker, Doug P. Covenant and Community: Our Role as the Image of God. Review by Andrew Grosso. 36:1 (2009-2010): 74-75.
Bateson, Gregory. Angels Fear: An Investigation Into the Nature of the Sacred. Review by Robin Hodgkin. 17:1&2 (1990-91): 48-51.
Baum, Gregory. Karl Polanyi On Ethics and Economics. Review by James Stodder. 23:3 (1996-97): 42-43.
Baumard, Philippe. Tacit Knowledge in Organizations. Review by Jere Moorman. 29:2 (2002-2003): 55.
Baumgarten, Barbara. Visual Art As Theology. Review by Paul Lewis. 22:1 (1995-96): 31-32.
Begbie, Jeremy S. Voicing Creation’s Praise: Towards a Theology of the Arts. Review by Jere Moorman.40:2 (2013-14): 57-58.
Bhatt, Ritu (ed.). Rethinking Aesthetics: The Role of Body in Design. Review by Walter Gulick. 41:3 (2014-15): 52-54.
Bíró, Gábor (editor). Humanity and Nature in Economic Thought, Searching for the Organic Origins of the Economy. Review by Phil Mullins. 24 (2024): 166-171.
Bortolini, Matteo. A Joyfully Serious Man: The Life of Robert Bellah. Review by Peter Blum. 49:2 (2023): 37-38.
Brandom, Robert B. Perspectives on Pragmatism: Classical, Recent, and Contemporary. Review by David W. Agler. 38:3 (2011-12): 69-71.
Bredlau, Susan. The Other in Perception: A Phenomenological Account of Our Experience of Other Persons. Review by Phil Mullins. 48:3 (2022): 33-36.
Brentari, Carl. Jakob von Uexküll: The Discovery of the Umwelt between Biosemiotics and Theoretical Biology. Review by Phil Mullins. 48:1 (2022): 52-53.
Brown, Warren S , Nancy Murphy and H. Newton Malony (eds.). Whatever Happened to the Soul? Scientific and Theological Portraits of Human Nature. Review by Paul Lewis. 28:1 (2001-2002): 36-37.
Cannon, Dale. Six Ways of Being Religious: A Framework for Comparative Studies of Religion. Review by Paul Lewis. 22:3 (1995-96): 37.
Carter, Zachary D.The Price of Peace: Money, Democracy, and the Life of John Maynard Keynes. Review by Walter Gulick. 48:3 (2022): 39-42.
Cesaran, David. Arthur Koestler: The Homeless Mind. Review by Walter Gulick. 29-2 (2002-2003): 50-55.
Chalmers, David J. The Character of Consciousness Review by Stefania R. Jha. 38:1 (2011-12): 69-71.
Clark, Andy. Supersizing the Mind: Embodiment, Action, and Cognitive Extension Review by Paul Lewis. 36:2 (2009-2010): 85-86.
Clark, Tony. Divine Revelation and Human Practice: Responsive and Imaginative Participation. Review by David Nikkel. 35:1 (2008-2009): 54-55.
Clayton, Philip. Mind & Emergence: From Quantum to Consciousness. Review by C. P. Goodman. 31:3 (2004-05): 46-47.
Clayton, Philip. Practicing Science, Living Faith: Interviews With Twelve Leading Scientists. Review by Richard Gelwick. 36:1 (2009-2010): 70-72.
Clayton, Philip. The Problem of God in Modern Thought. Review by Curtis L. Thompson. 29:3 (2002-2003): 52-55.
Clements, Keith (ed.). The Moot Papers, Faith, Freedom and Society, 1938-1947. Review by Phil Mullins. 36:3 (2009-2010): 69-71.
Congdon, Lee. Exile and Social Thought: Hungarian Intellectuals in Germany and Austria 1919-1933. Review by Walter Gulick. 23:2 (1996-97): 44-46.
Crawford, Mathew B. Shop Class as Soulcraft: An Inquiry into the Value of Work. Review by Paul Lewis. 38:1 (2010-11): 51-53.
Crawford, Matthew B. The World Beyond Your Head: On Becoming an Individual in an Age of Distraction. Review by Walter Gulick. 42:4 (2015-2016): 91-94.
Crewdson, Joan. Christian Doctrine in the Light of Michael Polanyi’s Theory of Personal Knowledge ( A Personalist Theology). Review by John Puddefoot. 22:2 (1995-96): 40-41.
Cuneo, Terrence. Speech and Morality: on the Metaethical Implications of Speaking. Reviewed by Spencer Jay Case. 42:1 (2015-2016): 59-62.
Dale, Gareth. Karl Polanyi: A Life on the Left. Review by Walter Gulick. 47:1 (2021): 27-31.
Dale, Gareth. Karl Polanyi: The Limits of the Market. Reviewed by Gus Breytspraak. 47:1 (2021): 23-27.
Dawkins, Richard. The God Delusion. Review by William J. Kelleher. 33:3 (2006-07): 64-65.
Deacon, Terrence W. Incomplete Nature: How Mind Emerged from Matter. Review by Donald A. Crosby. 38:3 (2011-2012): 74-75.
DeLong, J. Bradford. Slouching Towards Utopia. Review by Martin Turkis. 49:2 (2023): 34-37.
Dembski, William. The Design Inference. Review by John Puddefoot. 27:3 (2000-2001): 36-41.
Dembski, William. Intelligent Design. Review by John Puddefoot. 27:3 (2000-2001): 36-41.
Dreyfus, Hubert and Sean Dorrance Kelly. All Things Shining: Reading Western Classics to Find Meaning in a Secular Age. Review by James M. Okapal. 38:2 (2011-2012): 94-96.
Donagan, Alan, Anthony N. Petrovich and Michael Wedin (eds.). Human Nature And Natural Knowledge: Essays Presented to Marjorie Grene on the Occasion of Her Seventy-Fifth Birthday. Review by Robin Hodgkin. 15:1 (1987-88): 37-38.
Dunlop, Francis. The Education Of Feeling. Review by Robin Hodgkin. 12:1 (1984-85): 39-41.
Dyck, Arthur J. Rethinking Right and Responsibilities: The Moral Bonds of Community. Review by Paul Lewis. 24:1 (1997-98): 39-40.
Engle, Pascal. Truth. Review by Sheldon Richmond. 30:2 (2003-2004): 41-43.
Everett, Daniel L. Dark Matter of the Mind: the Culturally Articulated Unconscious. Review by Spencer Case. 45:2 (2019): 55-58.
Felski, Rita. The Limits of Critique. Review by Lindsay Atnip. 45:1 (2019): 62-64.
Fisch, Menachem and Yitzhak Benbaji. The View from Within: Normativity and the Limits of Self-Criticism. Review by Sheldon Richmond. 40:3 (2013-14): 50-52.
Ford, Dennis. The Search for Meaning: A Short History. Review by Walter Gulick. 35:1(2008-2009): 50-52.
Forrest, Barbara and Paul R. Gross. Creationism’s Trojan Horse: The Wedge of Intelligent Design. Review by Phil Mullins. 32:2 (2005-06): 52-53.
Forstater, Matthew. “Working Backwards: Instrumental Analysis as a Policy Discovery Procedure,” Review of Political Economy 11:1 (1999): 5-18. Review by Phil Mullins. 26:1 (1999-2000): 30-31.
Frank, Tibor. Double Exile: Migrations of Jewish-Hungarian Professionals through Germany to the United States, 1919-1945. Review by Paul Knepper. 36:3 (2009-2010): 67-69.
Gazzaniga, Michael S. The Ethical Brain: the Science of Our Moral Dilemmas. Review by Paul Lewis. 36:3 (2009-2010): 66-67.
Gedo, John E. The Evolution of Psychoanalysis: Contemporary Theory and Practice. Review by Richard Henry Schmitt. 27:3 (2000-2001): 41-42.
Geraci, Robert M. Apocalyptic AI: Visions of Heaven in Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, and Virtual Reality. Review by Bob Doede. 38:2 (2011-12): 96-99.
Gigerenzer, Gerd. Gut Feelings: The Intelligence of the Unconscious. Review by Paul Lewis. 37:3 (2010-11): 67-69.
Gilkey, Langdon. Nature, Reality and the Sacred: the Nexus of Science and Religion. Review by Paul Lewis. 31:1 (2004-05): 42-44.
Gill, Satinder. Tacit Emergence: Beyond Interaction. Review by Janos Liska. 45:2 (2019): 51-54.
Gladwell, Malcolm. The Power of Thinking Without Thinking. Review by Dick Moodey. 33:1 (2006-2007): 37-38.
Gregersen, Niels Henrik (ed.). From Complexity to Life: On the Emergence of Life and Meaning. Review by C. P. Goodman. 30:1 (2003-2004): 38-39.
Grene, Marjorie and David Depew. The Philosophy of Biology: An Episodic History. Review by James M. Okapal. 37:2 (2010-11): 60-63.
Grote, Mathias. Membranes to Molecular Machines: Active Matter and the Remaking of Life. Review by Phil Mullins. 50 (2024): 43-45.
Haidt, Jonathan. The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion. Review by Paul Lewis. 39:2 (2012-13): 59-61.
Hartl, Peter and Adam Tamas Tuboly (eds.). Science, Freedom, Democracy. Review by Chris Mulherin. 49:2 (2023): 32-34.
Haught, John F.God After Darwin: A Theology of Evolution. Review by F. LeRon Shults. 28:1 (2001-2002): 35-36.
Hauerwas, Stanley and Romand Coles. Christianity, Democracy, and the Radical Ordinary: Conversations between a Radical Democrat and a Christian. Review by Paul Lewis. 28:1 (2007-08): 53-54.
Hawking, Stephen. A Brief History of Time. Review by Drusilla Scott. 17:1&2 (1990-91): 46-48.
Héder, Mihály and Eszter Nádasi (eds.). Essays in Post-Critical Philosophy of Technology. Review by Bruce Vojak. 47:2 (2021): 59-60.
Hill, Lewis E. and Eleanor T. von Ende. “Towards a Personal Knowledge of Economic History: Reflections on Our Intellectual Heritage from the Polanyi Brothers,” American Journal of Economics and Sociology 53:1. Review by Phil Mullins. 21:3 (1994-95) 34.
Hodgkin, Robin A. Playing and Exploring Through the Discovery of Order. Review by David Bagchi. 15:2 (1987-88): 36-38.
Hodgson, Geoffrey M. Is Socialism Feasible? Towards an Alternative Future. Review by Jon Fennell. 46:3 (2020): 42-47.
Hogue, Michael S. The Promise of Religious Naturalism. Review by Diane Yeager. 39:2 (2012-13): 61-64.
Holbrook, David. What Is It To Be Human? Review by R.T. Allen. 18:1 (1991-92): 39-40.
Höök, Kristina. Designing with the Body: Somaesthetic Interaction Design. Review by Sheldon Richmond. 48:2 (2022): 46-49.
Innis, Robert E. Consciousness and the Play of Signs. Review by Robin Hodgkin. 22:3 (1995-96): 36-37.
Innis, Robert E. Susan Langer in Focus: The Symbolic Mind. Review by Walter Gulick. 37:3 (2010-11): 69-71.
Jacobs, Struan and R. T. Allen (eds.). Emotion, Reason and Tradition: Essays on the Social, Political and Economic Thought of Michael Polanyi. Review by Phil Mullins. 32:2 (2005-06): 53-59.
Jaeger, Lydia. Einstein, Polanyi and the Laws of Nature. Review by Phil Mullins. 38:1 (2011-12): 64-66.
Jaroŝ, Filip and Jiří Klouda (eds.). Adolf Portmann: A Thinker of Self-Expressive Life. Review by Phil Mullins. 48:2 (2022): 50-51.
Jha, Stepfania Ruzsits (ed.). “Hungarian Studies on Imre Lakatos.” Perspectives on Science, 14:3 (Fall 2006). Review by Richard Henry Schmitt. 34:2 (2007-08): 51-53.
Jha, Stepfania Ruzsits. Reconsidering Michael Polanyi’s Philosophy. Review by Walter Gulick. 30:2 (2003-2004): 43-47.
Johnson, Dru. Biblical Knowing: A Scriptural Epistemology of Error. Review by Matthew A. LaPine.40:2 (2013-14): 49-50.
Johnson, Steven. Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History of Innovation. Review by Walter Gulick. 38:1 (2011-12): 62-64.
Jones, Mark L., Paul A. Lewis, and Kelly E. Reffitt (eds.). Toward Human Flourishing: Character, Practical Wisdom, and Professional Formation. Review by David Nikkel. 41:3 (2014-15): 50-51.
Kaag, John. Sick Souls, Healthy Minds: How William James Can Save Your Life. Review by Walter Gulick. 48:3 (2022): 37-39.
Kanaris, Jim. Bernard Lonergan’s Philosophy of Religion: From Philosophy of God to Philosophy of Religious Studies. Review by Dick Moodey. 30:1 (2003-2004): 41-42.
Kane, Jeffrey.Beyond Empiricism: Michael Polanyi Reconsidered. Review by H.S. Broudy. 12:2 (1984-85): 22-28.
Keiser, R. Melvin and Rosemary Moore (eds. and commentators). Knowing the Mystery of Life Within: Selected Writings of Isaac Penington in Their Historical and Theological Context. Review by Walter Gulick. 33:1 (2006-2007): 63-64.
Kelly, Kevin. What Technology Wants. Review by Robert Doede. 37:3 (2010-11): 71-74.
Kettle, David J. Western Culture in Gospel Context: Towards the Conversion of the West: Theological Bearings for Mission and Spirituality. Review by Esther L. Meek. 39: 1 (2012-13): 74-76.
Kuhn, Thomas. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Review by Aaron Milavec. 16:2 (1988-89): 4-20.
Laughlin, Robert B. A Different Universe: Reinventing Physics from the Bottom Down. Review by Walter Gulick. 32:3 (2005-06): 60-61.
Leder, Drew. The Absent Body. Review by Walter Gulick. 18:2 (1991-92): 43-45.
Lieff, Jon. The Secret Language of Cells: What Biological Conversations Tell Us About the Brain-Body Connection, the Future of Medicine, and Life Itself. Review by Dick Moodey. 48:2 (2022): 52-55.
Long, David W. Body Knowledge: A Path to Wholeness: The Philosophy of Michael Polanyi. Review by Milton Scarborough. 37:3 (2010-11): 74-75.
McLaren, Brian D. A Generous Orthodoxy. Review by Paul Lewis. 33:2 (2006-07): 69-710.
McGrath Alister E. T. F. Torrance: An Intellectual Biography. Review by Robert K. Martin. 28:1 (2001-2002): 37-39.
Margitay, Tihamér (ed.). Knowing And Being: Perspectives On The Philosophy of Michael Polanyi. Review by John Apczynski. 38:1 (2010-2011): 55-59.
Mars Hill Audio Report, written and ed. by Andrew Witmer, produced by Ken Myers, 1999. Tacit Knowing, Truthful Knowing: The Life and Thought of Michael Polanyi(Information: phone:(800) 331-6407, e-mail: Review by Walter Gulick. 26:1 (1999-2000): 30.
Matheson, Jonathan. The Epistemic Significance of Disagreement. Review by Jonathan Reibsamen. 46:3 (2020): 28-31.
Meek, Esther Lightcap. A Little Manual for Knowing. Review by Richard L. Haney. 42:2 (2015-16): 70-72.
Meek, Esther Lightcap. Loving to Know: Introducing Covenant Epistemology. Review by Andrew Grosso. 38:3 (2011-12): 67-69.
Milavec, Aaron. EasyGreek Case Studies: Soul Journeys for Inquiring Adults (Easy Greek Software). Review by Phil Mullins. 21:3 (1994-95): 33-34.
Milavec, Aaron. Exploring Scriptural Sources. Review by Richard Gelwick. 21:3 (1994-95): 32.
Morowitz, Harold J.The Emergence of Everything: How the World Became Complex. Review by C. P. Goodman. 30:1 (2003-2004): 39-41.
Moss, Edward.The Grammar of Consciousness: An Exploration of Tacit Knowing. Review by Phil Mullins. 23:2 (1996-97): 40-44.
Moss, Edward. Seeing Man Whole: A New Model for Psychology. Review by Joan Crewdson. 17:1&2 (1990-91): 51-54.
Mount, Eric Jr. Covenant, Community and the Common Good. Review by Paul Lewis. 28:1 (2001-2002): 33-34.
Mount, Eric Jr. Professional Ethics in Context: Institutions, Images and Empathy. Review by Paul Lewis. 20:3 (1993-94): 40-41.
Moustakas, Clark. Heuristic Research: Design, Methodology, and Applications. Review by Robert P. Hyatt. 38:3 (2011-12): 71-74.
Murphy, Nancey and George F.R. Ellis. On the Moral Nature of the Universe: Theology, Cosmology and Ethics. Review by Paul Lewis. 31:2 (2004-05): 45-47.
Nebelsick, Harold. Circles of God: Theology and Science From the Greeks to Copernicus. Review by David Bagchi. 14:1 (1986-87): 36-38.
Neuweg, Georg Hans. Könnerschaft und implizites Wissen. Zur lehr-lerntheoretischen Bedeutung der Erkenntnis- und Wissenstheorie Michael Polanyis. Review by Klaus R. Allerbeck. 26:2 (1999-2000): 32.
Newman, Elizabeth. Untamed Hospitality: Welcoming God and Other Strangers. Review by Phil Mullins. 36:1 (2009-2010): 72-74.
Nickell, James M. and James W. Stines (eds. and introduction). The Primacy of Persons and the Language of Culture: Essays by William H. Poteat. Review by Bruce Haddox. 22:2 (1995-96): 39-40.
Noë, Alva. Action in Perception. Review by Dale Cannon. 37:2 (2010-11): 58-60.
Noë, Alva. Out of Our Heads: Why You Are Not Your Brain, and Other Lessons from Biology of Consciousness. Review by Dale Cannon. 37:2 (2010-11): 58-60.
Nyiri, J.C. and B. Smith (eds.). Practical Knowledge: Outlines of a Theory of Tradition and Skills. Review by R.T. Allen. 17:1&2 (1990-91): 44-45.
Oakeshott, Michael. Morality and Politics in Modern Europe: The Harvard Lectures. Shirley Letwin, ed. Introduction by Kenneth Minogue. Review by Walter B. Mead. 31:2 (2004-05): 47-48.
Oord, Thomas Jay (ed.). The Polkinghorne Reader: Science, Faith and the Search for Meaning. Review by Richard Gelwick. 38:3 (2011-12): 76-78.
Øyen, Simen Andersen and Rasmus T. Slaattelid (eds.). Multiple Democracies in Theory and History. Review by Walter Gulick. 36:2 (2009-2010): 83-85.
Palmer, Parker and Arthur Zajonc, with Megan Scribner. The Heart of Higher Education: A Call to Renewal. Transforming the University Through Collegial Conversations. Review by Paul Lewis. 38:1 (2011-12): 60-62.
Peters, Ted and Gaymon Bennett (eds.). Bridging Science and Religion. Review by Paul Lewis. 32:1 (2005-06): 45.
Peterson, Gregory R. Minding God: Theology and the Cognitive Sciences. Review by Paul Lewis. 32:2 (2005-06): 51-52.
Phillips, Susan S. Candlelight: Illuminating the Art of Spiritual Direction. Review by Barbara J. Gulick. 38:1 (2010-11): 53-54.
Primack, Joel R. and Nancy Ellen Abrams. The View from the Center of the Universe. Review by Walter Gulick. 33:2 (2006-07): 66-68.
Pryor, Adam. Body of Christ Incarnate for You: Conceptualizing God’s Desire for the Flesh. Review by David Nikkel. 45:3 (2019): 63-65.
Puddefoot, John C. Logic and Affirmation, Perspectives in Mathematics and Theology. Review by Terence Kennedy. 16:1 (1988-89): 17-29.
Rae, Murray A. (ed.). Critical Conversations: Michael Polanyi and Christian Theology. Review by Ed Payne. 39:3 (2012-13): 54-56.
Rattasepp and Tyler Bennett (eds.). Gatherings in Biosemiotics 43:1. Review by Phil Mullins. 43:1 (2017): 75-79.
Reeves, Marjorie (ed.). Christian Thinking and Social Order: Conviction Politics from the 1930s to the Present Day. Review by John Flett. 25:3 (1998-99): 32-33.
Reist, Benjamin A. Processive Revelation. Review by Elizabeth Newman. 21:2 (1994-95): 29-30.
Resta, Giorgio and Mariavittoria Catanzariti (eds.). For a New West: Essays, 1919-1958/Karl Polanyi. Review by Phil Mullins. 47:1 (2021): 31-33.
Richmond, Sheldon. Aesthetic Criteria: Gombrich and Philosophies of Science of Popper and Polanyi. Review by Barbara Baumgarten. 22:2 (1995-96): 38.
Rolnick, Philip. Analogical Possibilities: How Words Refer to God. Review by John V. Apczynski. 22:1 (1995-96): 34-36.
Rolnick, Philip. Analogical Possibilities: How Words Refer to God. Review by Martin X. Moleski, S. J. 22:1 (1995-96): 32-34.
Rolnick, Philip (ed.). Explorations in Ethics. Review by Paul Lewis. 29-1 (2002-2003): 74.
Rolnick, Philip. Origins: God, Evolution, and the Question of the Cosmos. Review by John Apczynski. 46:3 (2020): 41-42.
Rosenthal, Creighton. Lessons from Aquinas: A Resolution of the Problem of Faith and Reason. Review by Martin X. Moleski, S.J. 40:2 (2013-14): 58-60.
Rutledge, David W. Humans and the Earth: Toward a Personal Ecology. Review by Walter Gulick. 24:2 (1997-98): 40-43.
Sargent, M. Elizabeth and Cornelia C. Paraskevas. Conversations about Writing: Eavesdropping, Inkshedding, and Joining In. Review by Sam Watson. 32:3 (2005-06): 57-59.
Scarborough, Milton. Myth and Modernity: Postcritical Reflections. Review by Ted Mehl. 21:2 (1994-95): 32-35.
Scheid, Daniel P. The Cosmic Common Good: Religious Grounds for Ecological Ethics. Review by Diane Yeager. 45:3 (2019): 61-62.
Schoedinger, Andrew B.The Problem of Universals. Review by Philip A. Rolnick. 19:1 (1992-93): 40-42.
Scott, Drusilla. Everyman Revived: The Common Sense of Michael Polanyi. Review by Paul Lewis. 23:2 (1996-97): 39-40.
Scott, Drusilla. Everyman Revived: The Common Sense of Michael Polanyi. Review by Harry Prosch. 13:2 (1985-86): 20-22.
Scott-Smith, Giles and Charlotte Lerg (eds.). Campaigning Culture and the Global Cold War: The Journals of the Congress for Freedom. Review by Phil Mullins.49:1 (2023): 46-48.
Shapiro, Kenneth. Bodily Reflected Modes: A Phenomenological Method For Psychology. Review by R. Melvin Keiser. 14:1 (1986-87): 21-29.
Shotter, John. Social Accountability And Selfhood. Review by Robin Hodgkin. 12:1 (1984-85): 9.
Smith, Christian. To Flourish or Destruct: A Personalist Theory of Human Goods and Motivation. Review by Dale Cannon. 43:3 (2017): 54-59.
Stenmark,Lisa L. Religion, Science and Democracy: A Disputational Friendship. Review by Phil Mullins. 40:3 (2013-14): 52-54.
Stout, Jeffrey. Democracy and Tradition. Review by Paul Lewis. 32:1 (2005-06): 45-47.
Thiele, Leslie Paul. The Heart of Judgment: Practical Wisdom, Neuroscience, and Narrative. Review by Paul Lewis. 35:1 (2008-09): 52-54.
Taylor, Charles. Dilemmas and Connections, Selected Essays. Review by Phil Mullins. 41:1 (2014-15): 48-50.
Taylor, Charles. The Ethics of Authenticity. Review by Walter Gulick. 19:1 (1992-93): 39-40.
Taylor, Charles. The Language Animal: the Full Shape of the Human Linguistic Capacity. Review by Andrew Grosso. 43:3 (2017): 54-59.
Trepanier, Lee and Eugene Callahan (eds.).Tradition v. Rationalism: Voegelin, Oakeshott, Hayek, and Others. Review by C. P. Goodman. 46:3 (2020): 31-37.
Torrance, T.F. The Ground and Grammar of Theology. Review by Percy Hammond. 28:2 (2001-02): 36-39.
Torrance, T.F. Transformation And Convergence In The Frame Of Knowledge. Review by John. C. Puddefoot. 12:1 (1984-85): 41-42.
Turner, Stephen. Brains/Practices/Relativism: Social Theory after Cognitive Science. Review by Struan Jacobs. 31:2 (2004-05): 49-50.
Tyson, Paul G. De-Fragmenting Modernity: Reintegrating Knowledge with Wisdom, Belief with Truth, and Reality with Being. Review by Phil Mullins. 46:2 (July 2020): 57-60.
Van Huyssteen, J. Wentzel. Alone in the World? Human Uniqueness in Science and Theology. Review by Walter Gulick. 33:1 (2006-07): 36-37.
Van Koeverden, Gerald. The Child’s Secret of Learning. Review by Paul Lewis. 32:3 (2005-06): 61-62.
Vinti, Carlo. Michael Polanyi: Conoscenza scientifica e immaginazione creative. Review by Terence Kennedy, C.Ss.R. 28:1 (2001-02): 34-35.
Waldow, Anik. David Hume and the Problem of Other Minds. Review by Ryan Pollock. 39:1 (2012-13): 76-79.
Wattles, Jeffrey. The Golden Rule. Review by Paul Lewis. 26:2 (1999-2000): 33.
Weed, Laura. The Structure of Thinking: A Process-Oriented Account of Mind. Review by David Agler. 38:1 (2011-12): 66-69.
Wells, Harwell. A. “The Philosophical Michael Oakeshott,” Journal of the History of Ideas 55:1. Review by Chris Goodman. 21:3 (1994-95): 34.
Westney, William. The Perfect Wrong Note: Learning to Trust Your Musical Self. Review by Barbara J. Gulick. 31:1 (2004-05): 44-45.
Wheeler, Wendy. The Whole Creature: Complexity, Biosemiotics and the Evolution of Culture. Review by Walter Gulick 43:1 (2017): 72-74.
Wolf, Martin. The Crisis of Democratic Capitalism. 24 (2024): Review by Erik Migdail. 21:3 (1994-95): 34.