In-Person Meetings

The Polanyi Society periodically sponsors conferences of several days duration. The Polanyi Society conferences are atypical academic conferences insofar as they are  small scale, convivial events.

Anyone interested can submit a presentation proposal which will be reviewed. Papers are submitted in advance and are posted on the Polanyi Society website. Since the focus in sessions is upon thoughtful discussion, papers are read (by conference participants) before the conference and not in the session.

Conferences sometimes feature special speakers and may include a workshop for those new to Polanyi’s thought.  Conferences also often include sessions focusing on particular Polanyi texts and sometimes archival Polanyi materials.

Zoom Meetings

The Society usually hosts several Zoom meetings each year.  These are open to anyone interested; the schedule for Zoom meetings and any relevant materials are posted on the Polanyi Society website and are advertised on the Discussion List.

Meeting Info

Information about all Polanyi Society sponsored events is always posted well in advance on the Polanyi Society website; e-mail addresses of persons to contact with questions are also usually posted. Occasionally, a mailing about events is sent to all persons on the Tradition & Discovery mailing list.


Some support is available for younger scholars attending and making presentations at some Society meetings.