Submissions for Publication--2
Validation in the Human Sciences--3
Kenneth J. Shapiro
A Note on John Shotter's Social Accountability and Selfhood--9
Robin Hodgkin
Humor and Michael Polanyi's Theory of Knowledge--10
Jere Moorman
Vocation Recalled: Personal Knowledge and Cosmic Re-enchantment--15
James W. Stines
News and Notes--24
CONVIVIUM Section (British Polyanyi Periodical)
David Bohm on Tacit Knowledge and the Implicate Order--25
Polanyi and the Cybernetic Dream--27
Joan Crewdson
Competence and Tacit Knowing--32
Robin Hodgkin
Comment on "What Is A Painting?"--35
Drusilla Scott
Belief in Miracles--37
Drusilla Scott
Book Reviews
Francis Dunlop's The Education of Feeling--39
Robin Hodgkin
T. F. Torrance's Transformation and Convergence In the Frame of Knowledge--41
J.C. Puddefoot
Polanyi Society Subscription and Membership--43