
Instructions For Submissions for Publication

All materials should be submitted as a Microsoft Word file attached to an email message. Articles submitted for possible publication should be no more than 6000 words in length (inclusive of keywords, abstract, notes, and references) and sent to Paul Lewis at lewis_pa@mercer.edu. Proposals for book reviews and completed reviews (no more than 1000 words in length) should be sent to Andrew Grosso at grosso@icloud.com. Unsolicited articles will be editorially reviewed and then returned or sent out for blind peer review. Solicited materials (book reviews, review articles, interviews, etc.) will be editorially reviewed.

Spelling: We recognize that the journal serves English-speaking writers around the world and so do not require anyone’s “standard” English spelling. We do, however, require all writers to be consistent in whatever convention they follow.


• Our preference is for Chicago’s parenthetical/reference style in which citations are given in the text as (last name of author year, page number), combined with full bibliographical information at the end of the article. One exception is that Polanyi’s major works may be cited parenthetically using the following abbreviations (with abbreviations italicized):

For example: Polanyi argues that …. (TD, 56). Full bibliographical information should still be supplied in the references section since many of us may work with different editions of Polanyi’s works.

• Endnotes should be used sparingly and be placed before the reference section. We do recognize that Polanyi’s work connects with scholars who work in diverse disciplines that use different style guides. To the extent that our software allows, we will accept other styles (e.g., APA or MLA) so long as the author is consistent and careful in following it. The main point, of course, is to give the reader enough information to locate and engage your sources. Manuscripts that are not careful and consistent in style will be returned so that the author can make corrections, which may delay publication.

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